Friday, January 23, 2015

We’ve successfully accomplished our third school supply donation!

We are so excited to announce that the Fashion Foundation has successfully completed another donation! On Friday, Jan. 16, we partnered up with IS-73, a middle school in Queens and delivered a bunch of supplies. Thanks to your support (yes, YOU!), we were able to donate more than $1,000 in art supplies to the school.

Unfortunately, the school has been suffering from extreme budget cuts to their art programs in the recent years, so we were extremely happy to provide crayons, paint, glue, paper, rulers, erasers, clay, markers, educational posters and more! We worked directly with Principal Casale and the school’s two art teachers, Beth Helfant and Marie Zito.

Our founder, Amanda Munz and one of our board members, Stephanie Cantelmo, spent the day with students. After delivering their art supplies, they hung around for a bit and observed them in their art classes. The highlight of their day, though the entire day was amazing, was the comment they received from a student at the school.

When Stephanie and I got there we informed the secretaries that we were there to deliver the school supplies to students, and one of the women told us to have a seat and that Mr. Casale would be with us shortly,” Munz recalls. “We sat down next to one of the students and she said to us, ‘You guys are good people for doing this.’ That made our day!

Here at the Fashion Foundation, we operate under one primary mission: to provide school supplies for students in need, therefore enhancing their education. In order to do so, we accept gently-used clothing and accessory donations, and sell them on our website. Proceeds go to buying school supplies for schools in need. Currently, we are working on our fourth and fifth school partnerships, and we need YOUR help! If you’d like to donate, whether it be a monetary donation or a scarf you no longer wear, please click here.

Find some photos of our wonderful day at IS-73 below!

An art student at IS-73

The Fashion Foundation Founder, Amanda Munz and Member of the Board, Stephanie Cantelmo with a student

Munz with the school's two art teachers, Beth Helfant and Marie Zito

Mr. Casale, Principal of IS-73, and Munz

Want to make a contribution to the Fashion Foundation? Click here to donate!

Holly Anne Silva is one of the Fashion Foundation's passionate bloggers. Fervent about giving back, Holly volunteers for a number of local nonprofit organizations, including Heart and Soul Animal Rescue as a kennel attendant. She currently serves as a full-time editorial writer for a major branding and publishing company in Uniondale, and holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Hofstra University. When she's not writing or volunteering, she's usually freelancing as a makeup artist or working on her Etsy shop, Sammy and Milo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting an effort to published this article. You've done a great job! Good bless!

    Educational School Supplies
